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The Ghost Moths (Lepidoptera: Hepialidae) of Papua Indonesia

by Rob de Vos



Oxycanus aegrus (Viette, 1956)

[Paraoxycanus aegrus Viette, 1956] (TL: Iebele Camp, Dutch New Guinea; type: RMNH)

endemic species



Oxycanus species are quite difficult to identify externally, especially because most species show a wide range of variation. For 100% reliable identifications it is necessary to study the male genitalia of which an overview of most species is given by Tindale (1955) and Viette (1950, 1952, 1956). The tegumen of the male genitalia of all species is diagnostic (see left figure). Some of the most occurring wing pattern variations are shown here.







STATUS: A very variable species, though the forewing pattern of spots is rather constant. Very similar to Oxycanus diakonoffi but much smaller.

PAPUA LOCALITIES: New Guinea: Baliem Camp, Bilogai, Bivak 36-42 (Star Mountains Expedition), Iebele Camp, Sibil, Sigi Camp, Walmak. Details in gazetteer.


DATA SOURCES: RMNH. Literature (see below).







Nielsen, E.S., G.S. Robinson & D.L. Wagner, 2000. Ghost-moths of the world: a global inventory and bibliography of the Exoporia (Mnesarchaeoidea and Hepialoidea) (Lepidoptera). Journal of Natural History 34: 823–878.
Viette, P.L., 1956. Contribution a l'etude des Hepialidae (Lepidoptera) (32eme note). Hepialidae de Nouvelle-Guinee. Nova Guinea, new series 7(1): 41-58.