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The Blues (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae, Lycaeninae) of Papua Indonesia

by Stefan Schröder


Hypochrysops narcissus (Fabricius, 1775)

ssp. dryope Grose-Smith & Kirby, 1895
ssp. eratosthenes (Fruhstorfer, 1908)
ssp. menandrus (Fruhstorfer, 1908)





STATUS: Rather common. In his revision of the genus Hypochrysops, Sands (1986) recognizes six subspecies, of which the non PNG subspecies are distributed as follows: the nominate ssp. narcissus and ssp. sabirius (Fruhstorfer, 1908) are known from Australia (Queensland) and ssp. eucletus (Felder & Felder, 1865) [previously regarded as a separate specis] occurs on Halmaheira and the Aru Islands. Subspecific differentiation is mainly based on the extension of the blue areas on the male forewing basal area and the coloration of the undersides (Sands, 1986), but obviously there is some degree of variation and more material of the various subspecies is needed to ascertain their validity.

PAPUA LOCALITIES: ssp. dryope: "eastern part of West Papua"; ssp. eratosthenes: Batanta Island; Japen Island; New Guinea: Fakfak, Mappi, Merauke, Miei, Sarmi, Sorong (type locality), Star Mountains, Wandammen Peninsula; ssp. menandrus: "western part of West Papua". Details in gazetteer.

EXTERNAL DISTRIBUTION: Halmahera, Aru, Papua New Guinea, Queensland (Australia).

DATA SOURCES: KSP, ZMAN. Literature (see below).






Sands, D.P.A., 1986. A revision of the genus Hypochrysops C. and R. Felder (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae). Entomonograph 7: 1-116.