The Papua Insects Foundation

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The Leaf Blotch Miner moths (Lepidoptera: Gracillariidae) of Papua Indonesia

by Merel M. van Haren


Acrocercops argentigera
Acrocercops heptadrachma
Acrocercops patellata
Acrocercops petalopa
Caloptilia callicirrha
Caloptilia euhelia
Caloptilia pentaphylactis
Caloptilia staintoni
Caloptilia tmetica
Conopomorpha cramerella
Cryptolectica monodecta
Eteoryctis gemoniella
Epicephala ancylopa
Epicephala colymbetella
Epicephala periplecta
Guttigera albicaput
Guttigera rhythmica
Hypectopa ornithograpta
Macarostola ceryx

updated on 7th May 2014