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The Emerald Moths (Lepidoptera: Geometridae: Geometrinae) of Papua Indonesia

by Rob de Vos


Dioscore homoeotes Prout, 1911







STATUS: Widely distributed in New Guinea. Less common than Dioscore fulgurata which may it be confused with. However, both species can easily be distinguished by the colour of the head which is totally green or with a narrow white bar between the antennae in fulgurata and totally white in homoeotes. The base of the abdomen is in homoeotes broader white than in fulgurata. Furthermore the forewing termen of fulgurata is straight and convex in homoeotes. Dioscore bicolor can easily be distinguished by the conspicuous discal spots on both wings while in fulgurata and homoeotes these are obsolete.

PAPUA LOCALITIES: Waigeo Island: Camp Nok; New Guinea: Ampas, Dohunsehik (Arfak), Fakfak, Fyria River (Buruway), Ninay Valley, Nomnagihé, Tekai (Keerom), Utakwa River, Wembi. Details in gazetteer.


DATA SOURCES: BMNH, RMNH, Daawia Suhartawan, Michael Thirnbeck.